TO SINGLE MOTHERS: Having A Baby Doesn't Make You A Handicap, Or Physically Challenged

 This is actually shared by Ali Baba on his Instagram page. But when I red it, I realized it is more than what somebody will just shared and it ended then, it is something that should be sent across to as many not only single mothers alone but all the ladies out there married or single. That is why I brought it here for more women to read.

Read below:

Shout out to all the single mothers out there. This morning greeting is dedicated to you. Especially when you are a single mother and the father of the child, who is hale and hearty, has left everything about the child to you, to handle, alone. Get up and do something. Don't let that bumcump of a man make you start living a bitter and not better life. 

Yes, it's not a load you should carry alone. But it is what it is. The father has refused to be a daddy. That should not stop you from being a mummy and a mother. Having a baby doesn't make you a handicap, or physically challenged. So why should it now make you a dependent? The pity party can be only for a while. When it becomes an excuse you are pushing it. As much as it's should not be encouraged, it is what it is. 

Some Akamu guy has poured akamu and moved on. So you took in, the akamu... And had a beautiful blessing from it as a child... don't let the pap of a guy who refused to be papa, spoil your shine. By the way, instead of moisturizing everyone you know with the pity massage, why not use your connections and affiliations to seek ways to improve your life and financial standings? 

Over the weekend, I chatted with a friend, Mobee, who took on the role of a mother for her late sister's daughter. She practically shut down her own life for the child. The father is still alive but he is just that: the father. She has borne all the responsibilities and the girl is like 7yrs now. She and many like her are the ones this shout out is for. Especially those who adopted and gave the motherless a home. God Will meet you at the point of your needs. He will open doors for you. #olowogbgboro will send you helpers of destiny. You will reap the fruits of your labour. Your joy shall be full. If you have time pray for the ones you know. Pray It shall be well with them. 

And if you have a man who is playing his role as a father and daddy, appreciate them and pray for them too. We know many who are not carrying their responsibilities. My sister Pray they don't mix with such men and be influenced by them, for your own good.


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