RMD As A Motivational Speaker At The Excellence In Leadership Conference 2017

I was privileged to speak to some young people at the Excellence In Leadership Conference 2017 organised by Pst. Sam Adeyemi of Daystar Christian Centre and my, was it something! I talked on "Igniting Your Creative Genius". I sincerely hope I sparked something in them, and hopefully can do the same here.
What do you do when there's no light at the end of the tunnel and it all seems bleak and hopeless? How do you react to gloomy situations? Do you give up, give in and pack up?
Now let's look to the word of God (The Holy Bible) In the beginning, God created the world from nothing. When God saw that the earth was formless and without void, He did not slink away in frustration, rather He spoke the world into existence and the place that was without form and void became fruitful and flourished. We are God's children, made in His image and likeness and because we carry His DNA, we have the same ability to create. When we're faced with difficult situations of no godfather, no job, no money, no support we do not slink away, instead we must remember WHO WE ARE in Christ and connect to the higher realm because it is the spiritual that controls the physical.
Our elevation lies in when our connection to God by His Spirit and in it is the knowledge of this that gives us the confidence to call the things that are not, as though they were.
When others complain about the economy, confess differently and declare, "Father, I declare that I flourish regardless of the economy." Remember that your God-DNA is the advantage you have, so look beyond the physical and like your father (God), cre-ate!!!! See it in your mind, believe it in your heart, speak it with your mouth and elevate above the ordinary, the mundane and the mediocre. You carry The God head who is the creator and like Bishop TD Jakes said "We were created by the creator to be creative." So stop waiting for anyone to help you Ignite Your Creative Genius. It is in you. What do you have? Skill? Talent, Seed money? Use it!!! Where are you right now? Start There!!! The most important thing is to do something and to keep walking.


  1. Thank a lot for this post that was very interesting. Keep posting like those amazing posts, this is really awesome :) MARGARET FEINBERG


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