If We Don't Stand Up To Fight Poverty, It Will Consume Us All! - Daddy Freeze
We need to pool parts of our incomes together NOW and start building FREE schools, FREE hospitals and FREE housing estates for the poor amongst us! The church has failed us.....but we cannot fail one another. We entrusted our money into their hands and they built huge edifices, bought jets, luxury cars, built schools that their poor congregations cant afford to attend etc! Or how do you explain the senior pastor of a church who sent his wife abroad for cancer treatment, telling his congregation to give faith offering and pray anytime they fall ill? I read somewhere that we have 18 radiotherapy machines in Nigeria out of which only 11 are functional. Guess what, in America they have 75 of these same machines for DOGS! According to www.worldpoverty.io Nigeria’s population in extreme poverty is rising by 5.7 people per minute and that in DRC by 3.6 people per minute. The rest of Africa is reducing poverty by 4.7 people per minute. According to statistics, pover...