They Know What I Stand For And Not Just What I Stand To Gain - King Wasiu Ayinde Marshal

The king of fuji music, King Wasiu Ayinde Marshal also known as K1 De Ultimate is here to tell those people judging him to stop doing so. He said he is a builder and not a destroyer, that before you start judging someone there are things you need to put into consideration. 

Read his full statement below;

JUDGE ME NOT: It is only in this world that I see people passing judgment on a fellow being without putting some thoughts into consideration. I joke and play, but I will never go out of line. Whenever I am taken out of context, I laugh because those that know me only think of me in the best way which is expected as a TEAM LEADER. I am a BUILDER and not a DESTROYER, hence my belief in a better society where respect is not only TAKEN but also GIVEN. I try not to partake in issues with people because many do not know me well enough and vice versa. FINAL WORD: The real people that know me, give me the benefit of the doubt and don't JUDGE me. They know what I stand for and not just what I stand to gain. I am not a DESTROYER but a BUILDER. If I do things in a way you do not like, then maybe you do not understand me well enough and I am sorry. Please let "PEACE REIGN" I stand for UNITY and not the other way around. Enough of putting my name in what I do not know anything about. Aiye oni toriwa baje ooo.


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